Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have to get caught up on here so we can pack up our hard drives and take them with us!

I had the sprinklers on and Sam decided he wanted to run in them, but he wasn't excited at the prospect of getting soaked. So he proposed the idea that he should get a rain coat on. Funny kid. He'd go stand out in the middle and pull the hood over his face when it hit him.

Bubba came to visit (and watch the kids while Russ and I were in CA) and we hit up the beach. Brooklyn loved going out in the waves, but Sam was much more timid.

This was after we'd been there for hours, and is about as deep as he ever got without someone holding onto him. Can you guess what they were playing? Puppies, OF COURSE.

When I say that these two are best friends, it's totally and completely true. They play all day together...when they aren't at each others throats...

After a particularly long day, I vented my frustrations through art. I knew I'd put that easel out in the middle of the dining room for some reason!

And what is a hot summer with out lots and lots and lots and lots of WATERMELON!? These two can destroy one in one sitting.

Lazy summer weekends are also good for campfires. We were out there all evening. Started the fire around 4pm and Russ and I went in around 11pm. We let the kids play to their hearts content, it was really nice outside. They'd go down and jump on the trampoline and every now and then would come up to check on us, "Yup, they're still here!" they'd shout. Funny kids.

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