Sunday, August 28, 2011

Road Trip - Day 7

One week down! And I truly cannot believe it's already gone's all gone so quickly! We only have 2-3 weeks left! Although it has been...different. Not always easy, for has been awesome. I would HIGHLY recommend road tripping/camping for extended periods of time with kids my kids' ages. They see the world through such different eyes, it is amazing to see things they do. Also amazing to open their eyes to such new things for them. was Sunday and quite a lazy day. Sam jumped out of bed as he always does each mroning--"I gah-uh (gotta) go potty!" Then he comes back in and says, "I gah-uh go frow rocks now." He gets his shoes on and is gone for a good half hour flipping rocks, checking out bugs, throwing rocks...such a boy.

Good morning, great egrets.

Good morning girlie who loves to study the insect identification book. So much so that we got her her own.

Good morning husband and golden orb weaver that I nearly kissed this morning....shiver. They are beautiful (in their own way), but that doesn't mean I want them anywhere near me.

We decided to start out this morning at the giant play structure we'd seen (but not told the kids we'd seen, bwahahah) near the museum we went to yesterday. Seriously, this thing is big. This is looking from the front entrance, to the right of the structure.

This is looking straight on.

And to the left. And there was a ton behind it. All sorts of obstacle course type things to do, all sorts of places to hide, and it is built like a castle, so lots of castle-like stuff. Unfortunately, it was absolutely sweltering at 10:30am, so we only lasted maybe 20 minutes (even the kids were dripping with sweat at that point).

Then we ran to Books-A-Million to pick up some more reading--we needed a bird identification book, we found a good bug and reptile book for Brooklyn (and Sam, although he doesn't really care about the pictures at this point--he just wants to pick up the real deal), The Ghost Map (a book Russ has been wanting to read about London in the 1700-1800s), and my first Sookie Stackhouse book.

Then we hit up Kroger to replenish the food stash--must have more chocolate.

On the way out to the car, I was amused at the Bible Belt graffiti that I saw...

Then it was back to the campsite for lots of this...Russ attempting to read while "playing" with Sam (aka - trying to keep him from tearing the entire camper down out of boredom), me downloading photos, and Brooklyn and I doing mad-libs.

...more to come...

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